Saturday 7 April 2012


In order to formally be recognised as a residents' association, we need to adopt a constitution which sets out our aims and objectives, along with rules by which we agree to operate. As far as I can tell, it needn't be particularly complicated, but there are certain things it needs to include.

Everyone at the meeting will be asked to vote on whether they agree with the proposed constitution, so it's worth doing a little reading beforehand if you can, so we all know what we're voting for and have the chance to suggest any changes in advance.

Here's a factsheet on constitutions (pdf file) produced by Manchester City Council.

Here's a model constitution that we could use (pdf file) and just change the relevant bits. Thanks to John for researching this.

Please have a read if you can, and add a comment below if you have any suggestions or changes. I think it's important that everyone who wants to have a say in this gets one.

See you on the 17th!